Motivational Quotes and Life Mottoes
I’m one of those “positive” people, though as I disclosed in this post about affirmations, that wasn’t always the case. Other than a few dark periods, I’ve been a happy, positive person. I’m pretty much a walking motivational quote. In fact, it kinda bugs me when someone rains on my parade. When someone says something dark or sarcastic, I think to myself, “I don’t accept that as truth in my life!” It’s not healthy to let that stuff in to your psyche. I thoroughly believe that my tendency to always look for the good and the positive in my life and in others, keeps me happy and healthy. Along with affirmations, I love motivational quotes. I’ve repeated certain ones to myself so often that they have become my life mottoes.
Motivational quotes help us focus on behaviors that we want to emulate. They remind us of what’s possible. Words can tear us down, or they can inspire us! They can redirect our attention from negative thoughts. I have motivational signs all over my house. Some are funny, some are inspiring, and some are simple truth. There are some I bought because they remind me of other people, or aspects of other people that I’d love to emulate. I have those cute box signs that you see sold in gift shops, and I have cards that I have put into frames. If you haven’t noticed from my writings, I believe that words have immense power, and they can be used for good, or for evil. Choose to use them for good!

TGIF – Thank God I’m Fabulous!
One of my favorite quote boxes says TGIF Thank God I’m Fabulous. I bought this box because it reminded me of my friend, Lisa, who has a bigger than life personality and she enters a room as with the aplomb of the fabulous. She’s absolutely not arrogant about it, in fact, she comes off as though it’s a big joke. But she’s definitely fabulous. Lisa is pure fun and positive energy, even in the shadow of life’s worst happenings. I’ve always wanted to have that much confidence, and have the ability to make people smile, like she does. I think of her when I see this in my office. She inspires me.

This Wine is Making Me Awesome
Ok…so this is just plain funny. Anyone who enjoys an occasional (or nightly) adult beverage, knows that it makes us feel less inhibited. Fabulous is just a great word, isn’t it?

Watch with Glittering eyes the whole world because…
This quote from Roald Dahl pretty much sums up my philosophy. The concept of “those who don’t believe in magic will never find it” has become my life motto. Miracles happen around us every day, you just have to recognize them.
Behold the Teapot, up to her neck in hot water, and still, she sings!
I found this quote on a greeting card many years ago, and because I’m a singer, it became a favorite. This is another life motto. Regardless of the circumstances, just keep singing. I remember when my daughter was a teen. She was mad because I had sent her to her room for pouting. She said something like, “You want me to pretend like everything is fine, when it’s not!” I thought about that, and she’s right. I do expect people to behave as if everything is alright. Fake it ‘til you make it!

You Can’t Make Footprints…
This one, by Bob Mouawad, is both funny, and inspiring. Just get up off your butt and get going if you want to make your mark on the world. Another life motto of mine.

Sometimes You Just Have to Take the Leap and Build Your Wings…
I’ve been building my wings on the way down in pretty much everything I’ve done in my life. I just take the leap and work like crazy to make it work, usually without knowing a thing about what I’m doing. I remember my friend Donna once said to me, “You know the difference between us, Jonni? You think that you can be a brain surgeon if you put your mind to it, while I know that I can’t.” I think she meant for me to be insulted by this, but I was inspired.
I do think I can do anything I put my mind to. Some things would require a whole lot more effort than others, but that’s where “will” comes in. People become a huge success for two reasons, Will and Skill. I’ve known people who worked far harder than others with more skill but were successful. And I’ve known people who had a lot of skill, and didn’t have to work very hard to successful “enough”. So, you can be successful with either will or skill. But to be wildly successful, you have to have both will and skill. I’m not lacking in will, and I can develop the skill. This is a powerful life motto, that began as an inspirational quote.
Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right. – Henry Ford
This is the one I should have quoted to my friend, Donna. But again, this is where desire comes in. We often confuse desire with ability. It’s not that you can’t, it’s likely that you won’t. Will, not skill, and a heavy dose of limited belief.
Your Actions Speak So Loudly, I Can’t Hear What You’re Saying – my Grandma
I know that this quote is attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson, and is correctly quoted, “What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary.” But it is something that my grandma used to say a lot, and I like her words best for their simplicity. Your actions speak louder than your words. Do as you say. I aspire to always be consistent in word and deed. I’m sure I miss the mark, but it is something I work toward.
All We Need is Faith, Trust, and a little bit of Pixie Dust – Peter Pan
It should not come as a surprise that Tinker Bell is my favorite Disney character. She is such a determined little pixie. She’s often depicted with a bad attitude, but I see her as faithful, creative and tenacious. All admirable qualities.
A Candle Loses Nothing by Lighting Another Candle – Father James Keller
This is a beautiful reminder to lift someone else up. It costs us nothing to help someone step into their greatness. If anything, spotlighting someone else lifts you both up. Let go of petty competitive behavior and cheer for someone coming up behind you.

I have kept a file in my desk throughout my career. It’s labeled “Attitude Enhancement”. Whenever I see something that resonates, I tear it out or print it and put it into my file for a day when I need an attitude enhancement. Friends even share their inspiration with me. The funny thing about the one, above, is we were both under 40 at the time. I guess we were feeling like “old broads”.
Everyone should have a place where they can keep track of quotes, pictures, and notes that inspire them. I highly recommend it! Here are a couple of short stories that I have saved for several decades:
When the Sun Comes Up, You’d Better Be Running
Every morning in Africa, a Gazelle wakes up. It knows it must out-run the fastest Lion or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a Lion wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the slowest Gazelle or it will starve. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Lion or Gazelle, when the sun comes up, you’d better be running. – Murray McBride’s Forum.
British Sterling
An impeccable Englishman was standing in line at an airline reservations counter when a pushy woman cut in front of him, slapped down her ticket and demanded an upgrade to first class. “Madam,” the Englishman said as he picked up the ticket and pressed it back in her hand, “first class is not a boarding pass. It is a way of life.” Charlie Jones, quoted by Neil Morgan in San Diego Tribune.

There are so many more that I’ve kept in a file, on a Pinterest board, and in files on my computer. Words inspire me to be all of the things I strive to be. I fill my mind and heart with affirmations, motivational quotes, and bible verses so that they are there for me when I need them. I take care to guard my heart.

Proverbs 4:23-27
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips.
If you want to really know who I am, all you have to do is go through my Attitude Enhancement file. This is what inspires me. What are some quotes that inspire you? Have any become your life mottoes?